To all who have recently purchased a RimX barreled action, please read the following:
Pulblished September 2020 for all barrels prior to this date.

Due to the new action design that Zermatt has created, which has revolutionized the way the .22 rimfire will be considered from its inception, a rimfire cartridge will never be thought of quite the same as it has for the last century. The crew at Zermatt have really put a great deal of time effort and consideration into the RimX action, which will no doubt provide an infinite amount of pleasure to many of its end users for decades to come. Great job Zermatt!
As with any new design of this magnitude, there have been a few hiccups along the way with specific regard to the bolt face tensioner as well as how we have produced barrels here at Keystone Accuracy. Although these hiccups have been relatively minor, they still have been the culprit for a few of you who may have experienced some feeding issues. As I understand it, Zermatt has done an impecible job in getting the tensioner issue sorted out. I’d like to take the time to point out some changes that we have made midstream and moving forward. Please consider that we have been moving as fast as actions and barrels can physically be produced in order to satisfy demand. To date, Keystone Accuracy has produced in excess of 100 barrels for the celebrated RimX action.
The 10 barrels produced for both the Vudoo V22 and RimX actions for the test illustrated on Snipershide have produced some absolutely stellar results in both platforms, as seen in the side by side comprehensive comparison. These barrels have been produced with the same great care and attention to detail as the hundreds that have left our shop in the past several months, to include other barrels produced over the years for Anschutz, Win 52C, D, & E freestyle rifles, as well as the AR22 & CZ 455, 457 rifles, ect. The reamer used for the test barrels is the very same reamer that has been requested (by name) by ALL who have ordered the RimX barreled actions to date. The reamer was cleverly designed by PAdom (Dominic) specifically for the Lapua Center X bullet and cartridge profile. It has proven to be an outstanding performer in dozens of barrels that have been sent out. I have received countless emails from many of you who have been very pleased with the performance of your rifles, and for that I sincerely thank you and wish you continued success.
Unfortunately, for some, the reamer has been reportedly too tight for some alternative ammo used in the RimX. As a result, we have a new reamer being produced at this time which will incorporate a few changes to the design in order to accommodate the aggressive feed angle from the magazine to initial chamber insertion while necessitating the function of sliding under the tensioner in one forward motion.
In the early stages of producing barrels for PAdom, it was discovered that the lack of a radius or chamfer was not quite compatible with the function of this design. Through collaboration, Dominic and I determined that a chamfer was necessary to help the round make the transition from magazine to battery. The original RimX print stated that the chamber face requires no additional chamfer, other than just a broken edge on the chamber mouth. The attached drawing was produced on 10/19. In speaking to the team at Zermatt in recent weeks, and in sharing information, it was discovered that the chamfer was a step in the right direction and Zermatt informed us that they did in fact improved their drawing on 6/20 to incorporate a chamfer or radius, as seen in the additionally attached photo.
This new chamber design will alleviate the problems experienced by some and will be recommended going forward unless another is specifically requested. I also like to emphatically stress the idea that if any of you have experienced problems of ANY kind, please contact us directly. This is the most direct route in getting any potential problems resolved. Additionally, if anyone who purchased a Keystone barrel of any brand cares to send the barrel back for this chamber to cut the old chamber, it will happily be performed at very minimal machine cost plus return shipping to you.
There is just one last matter that I would like to carefully address. As many of you know me, I am vocally not a big fan of social media, however it’s the way people communicate in 2020, making it a necessity for us to facilitate. As a result of public internet platforms, a very select few (actually just one) competing source (who I have never even spoken to) of RimX barrels feels the absolute need to be heard by spewing a lot of negativity about how their brand of magic at the cost of a very minimum of a few hundred dollars more will create sunshine and rainbows by denigrating our efforts in providing a quality product to you, the end user. Although, others (actually just one) feel the need to make such claims, we don’t feel the need to follow suit in such a negative manner. We won’t mention any names, but I would guess that creating a profit hungry panic of this sort is felt to be just one of this person’s “primal rights”.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to call or email any time.
Shop phone: 610-272-2511
Email: [email protected]